A well-developed program is essential in securing government contracts.

Our expert program management services are backed by experienced industry knowledge and expertise. See the difference by working with us.

We employ the core values of integrity, leadership, collaboration and compromise.


Our professional team is skilled at DoD ISR and Security Program management

  • Cost
  • Scheduling WBS, IMS
  • Performance and Metrics
  • Risk Factors and Mitigation
  • Contract Types ie: FIXED PRICE, COST PLUS FF, FFP, etc
  • Systems Integration and Management
  • EVMS
  • Procurement
  • Supply Chain
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Our Invictus Process includes

  • Prepare and coordinate all tasks related to advance program and procurement planning
  • Ensure accomplishment of client management goals
  • Provide executive leadership by supervising program managers and delegating responsibilities throughout the acquisition life cycle of the program
  • Oversee all program activities and formulate policies and procedures accordingly
  • Dynamically develop program management techniques and ensure establishment of internal controls to support functions
  • Organize acquisition management activities by determining priorities, training needs, and establishing performance standards
  • Ensure successful development and execution of acquisition program plans
  • Coordinating costs, schedules, logistics, and systems integration activities
  • Oversee all contracting functions and provide service and supply of materials critical to daily operations and the mission
  • Ensure effective acquisition planning by analyzing purchase requests, evaluating offers, and performing cost or price analysis
  • Award and administer contracts and ensure compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements in mind.

Invictus has the breadth of knowledge and experience of complex manned operations utilizing fixed and rotary wing aircraft with state of the art technology utilizing analysts and other processing methods safely and effectively.

Invictus is driven to provide you with superior turnkey service providing secure data  rapid and accurate dissemination. Leadership has provided proven successful USG ISR and Security Programs in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea MENA and other theaters of operation.

Let’s Talk

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